We followed up the celebration of our 120th birthday with a meeting with our former colleagues, who are enjoying a well-deserved retirement after often spending all or a large part of their professional lives at Bochemie.
After welcoming them, the Chairman of the Board of Directors presented the current focus of the company and its future direction and then we went together to our premises. We toured the modernized production facilities and discussed our new focus on industrial batteries. Our former colleagues were amazed at how Bochemie has been transformed. We heard reactions like 'it's not our chemical factory anymore' or 'it's mechanical engineering, not chemistry'. And words like 'let's start the line, we could still do that' reminded us that the spirit of Bochemie still lives on in the hearts of those who contributed to its history.
It was also great to see former employees greeting each other warmly, as well as the current ones, and reminiscing over good food and drink about their shared experiences. The subsequent cultural program was provided by Hudecká muzika of the Bohumín Elementary Art School (ZUŠ). At the end we thanked our former colleagues with a sweet gift and the women also with a bouquet. The joy of meeting together in the eyes of our guests was the greatest reward for us. It reminded us of the importance of building relationships and not forgetting those who were part of our journey.